Put some mystery back into your game.

BRIAN DIEHL | Designer for Tabletop Role Playing Games in Salem, MA.

Desiring to inject some murder and mystery into your D&D game?

Interested in hooking first-time players with an untraditional experience?

Stay tuned for classic whodunit mysteries in the form of fresh and exciting D&D adventures!

  • Was it the cook or the millionaire merchant?

  • Death by poison or by supernatural interference?

  • For malicious revenge or a noble cause?

Start up the investigation and find out!

Featured Content

  • A Knife at Sea

    A Knife at Sea is a classic bottle-episode style murder mystery set on a small ship. The captain has been murdered in the aftermath of an unexpected storm, and an innocent man will be sentenced if the truth is not sussed out.

    This adventure is ballenced for a party of 4-6 level 4 characters, and sports a sandbox-style investivation portion. While the adventure can easily be run as a one-shot, it can also be dropped into an existing campaign – with lots of potential leads into follow-up adventures.

  • The Barastîr Campaign Setting Primer

    Though Sword & Sleuth content is designed to easily fit into any setting you would wish to place it in, Barastîr is the region in which they are natively set.

    Bordering the temperate Sea of Barast, this region is home to a wide variety of peoples and nations avidly involved in trade and expansion in the ruins of a long-fallen empire.

    The Setting Primer is in production, but the basic details can be found here for reference.

  • No, I'm the Real Me: a Who's-Who Encounter Ready to Slip into an Urban Setting

    No I'm the Real Me!

    Which of the prisoners is the one the party has been hired to save? This action-packed social and combat encounter provides a rich challenge for players and is a perfect side-quest for urban settings!

    My first published content! This encounter can be slid in as a side quest in any urban or sub-urban context, or be adapted to add confusion to any rescue mission you are presently running.


A merry welcome to you my fellow sleuth, I’m Brian! I’m a TTRPG Adventure Designer living in Salem, MA. I am a fan of writing, reading, & Dungeons and Dragons.

By day I work in web and UX design. I also spend a considerable about of time chasing my two children around and cheering my marathoner wife on in her many races.

I have a deep love for world building and fantasy spurred on by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and have grown up on murder mysteries that started with the Hercule Poirot tales of Agatha Christie.

I am still new to the field of adventure writing, but I am full of ideas — so keep an attentive eye out for content on the horizon!


More mysteries on the way!

We have another few full-length mystery adventures in production, and you can look forward to them in the new year! Of particular note is A Spoiled Appetite, a starter adventure for level 2 characters set at a dinner party gone wrong.

Excited?! So are we! In the meantime, sign up for our mailing list so you will know the moment they hit the market!

Put some mystery back into your game.