Gods of Ædresta

A pantheon divided


The gods (Varnír) responsible for the creation and continued operation of Ædresta are many. Though they may vary in nature and power, they all were lead in the endeavor of creation by Gilthanwei in the beginning. It was Gilthanwei that gathered the gods in time before time and lead them in their labors.

The Thana’varnír (Greater Gods), also known as the Great Ones, came together in time uncounted under the direction of Gilthanwei (most ancient and powerful) to form a world of their own. Each brought with them their Dara’varnír (lesser gods) — those beings bound to their service and alined in mind and purpose. From where these beings came, or how they found each other has either been forgotten or was never shared with the mortal races.

Since the murder of Gilthanwei at the hand of Dâlach (his son) and Concessa, there has been tremendous strife and tension among the gods — particularly among their chieftains who are now divided into the Greater Gods (Thana’varnír) and the Opposed (Kantala’varnír).


The Greater Gods


Ruled over by Sedwei and Naiärra, the Greater Gods see to the general care of Ædresta and its people. While they once dwelt bodily among the forefathers of the Elves in Tal Alsham, they now dwell apart from the material plane. They are not distant however — and their influences can be felt be all.

Deity Alignment Providence Domain Symbol
Aödh, the Greatsmith NG Forge, crafting, delving, & art. Forge, Knowledge Golden anvil on a field of black
Ásta, Mistress of Masks CG Arts, theatre, guile, & pretense. Trickery, Arcana Three masks, bearing the expressions of joy, sorrow, and anger.
Ceïnwen, the True Mother CN Land, flora, & fauna. Life, Nature Holly Branch.
Fína, the Daystar CG Sun, mirth, & illusion. Light, Trickery Outline of a yellow circle.
Finni, the Cropbringer N Agriculture, farming, & animal husbandry. Nature, Life Yoke and sickle.
Iöwan, the Equitable Judge LN Death, care of souls, & keeper of law. Order, Nature Scale and weights.
Kolora, the Changekeeper N Seasons, change, & balance. Order, Nature Outline of a circle divided into four parts.
Meris, the Vision Giver NG Dreams, rest, renewal, & insight. Twilight, Nature Tripple spirals.
Naiärra, Lady of the Depths CG Seas, provision, & storm. Tempest, Nature Cresting Wave.
Nepos, the Swordmaster NG Swordcraft, dueling, honor, & passion/control. War, Trickery Crossed Longswordand Rapier.
Pål, the Wayfinder LG Magic, understanding, & navigation. Arcana, Twilight Sextant constellation.
Siama, the Nest Weaver NG Love, spring, & fertilityhusbandry. Peace, Life Robin's egg in a nest.
Sedwei, the Starcrowned LG Stars, understanding, & justice. Light, Order Raised hand with a star above each finger.
Telesinus, the Shattered Shield LG Greater Moon, war, redemption, & truth. Knowledge, War Black circle with a cresent moon imposed upon it.

The Opposed


Those that joined with Dâlach and Concessa in the plot to overthrow Gilthanwei, the Opposed have suffered a corruption of their influences. They now reside in the merged lower planes of Ánbanalnë.

Deity Alignment Providence Domain Symbol
Amghar, the Reforger LE Necromancy, possession, & power. Arcana, Death Two parallel splintered bones.
Arrius, the Smelter LE Crafting, smithing, industry, & golems. Forger, Order Smelting pot, ladle, and tongs.
Concessa, the Black Witch CE Division, foresight, & conniving. Knowledge, Arcana Bloody fang-shaped knife and scroll.
Dâlach, the Grasping Traitor LE Death, deceit, trechery, cold, & ambition. Order, Dealth Hand clutchinga skill with a serpent coming out of its eye.
Goron, the Ragehearted CE Storm, disasters, & tumult. Tempest Volcano shrouded in clouds and lighting.
Guthlaug, the Insatiable Appetite CE Lust, violent love, & infedelity. Trickery, War A wilted rose.
Hallkell, the Ruthless Charger NE Fire, forceful advancement, war, & suffering. War A golloping horse of fire.
Siv, the Dark Pall NE Disease, decomposition, & plague. Nature, Death Fungus and Fleas.
Talvikki, Mistress of Blood CE Murder, blood, & passion. Death, Grave A black outline of a blooddrop on a field of red.