Peoples of Barastîr

Diverse and widespread, the peoples of Barastîr represent but a sliver of the creation upon the lands of Ædresta. Though many ancestries can be encountered while passing through, here are the most common.


Elves of Ædresta

The Elves of Ædresta (the Înura as they call themselves) were the first peoples to be formed by the gods in the first ages of the world. In their infancy they lived in the holy city of Tal Alsham in and among the Varnír (gods) themselves. Skilled and hardy, they are fair-featured and tall of build (generally 6-7 feet).

Because of their role as the shapers and explorers of the Ædresta, the Elves were granted lives to endure the ages. Elves reach full maturity around the age of 100, but members of trade and artisanal skills are often apprenticed until nearly the age of 160. Illness and pestilence generally have no effect upon them, and they generally live to over 1000 years.

Owing to their long lives and enduring perspective, the Elves build their kingdoms and cities to withstand the ages. Even in places where they have abandoned territories, newcomers find buildings and structures that outstrip anything that they themselves could ever construct or conceive.

Though there are many different groups among the Elves, those that are the most rooted in Barastîr are the Twilight, Dawn, and Sylvan Elves.

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. 

    Adventuring Age. Though the Elves of Ædresta live to ages of 800-1200 years, those that choose lives as adventurers tend to do so early in their lives. Elves reach full maturity around the age of 100, but members of trade and artisanal skills are often apprenticed until nearly the age of 160. You are between the ages of 100-400 years old.

    Alignment. There is wide variety among the Elves in terms of alignment. Light, Dawn, and Twilight Elves all tend to be more Lawful in orientation, but with very different motivations. Similarly Green and Corrupted Elves tend to be more Chaotic, but with very different motivations. Light and Dawn Elves tend to have a Good disposition, while Twilight and Sylvan Elves are more Neutral. Corrupted Elves are generally Evil, but there have been some very notable exceptions. Consider from which people and context you come.

    Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

    Darkvision. A people born with reverence to the stars and moonlit paths, Elves are born with particular strong low-light vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

    Plagueless. By the graces of the gods and in order that you might endure the ages, you have been endowed with an immunity to illness. You are immune to all non-magical sicknesses. 

    Sacred Longing. Born into an age of fellowship with the Gods, and due to their nearly indefinite lifespan, the elves have cultivated their motivation for life into a unique longing that must be fulfilled in order for them to possess the will to continue. That central desire is unique to each of the differing elven peoples, but is also largely what makes them unique from one another.

    Sharp Eyes. Blessed with sharp and keen eyes, you are proficient in Perception, and have advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks when using your eyes in daylight.

    Waking Dreamers. While other peoples require a full-night’s rest, Elves are able to simply rest for a span of 4 hours. During this time, you are able to remain aware of your surroundings, though you are not present in an emotional or personable sense.

    Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish.

    Waking Dreamers. While other peoples require a full-night’s rest, Elves are able to simply rest for a span of 4 hours. During this time, you are able to remain aware of your surroundings, though you are not present in an emotional or personable sense.

    Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish.

  • Deeply devoted to the service of the Greater Gods the Light Elves (Înura Alcárid) consider themselves the 'keepers of the true light.’ Wherever they have settled, these people are dedicated to keeping and guarding the statues of the Varnír and preserving the way of life they had in the ‘blessed life of Tal Alsham.’ Beyond their religious fervor, the Light Elves are deeply skilled in metallurgy and smith craft. As a culture, they highly value the patient and persistent mastery of a skill or craft. The Second and Third Ages saw the finest achievements of their culture’s creations — weapons perfectly balanced and imparted with divine blessing for the smiting of evil and infernal influence.

    Light Elves have skin tones ranging from bronze to golden, with hair colors covering the range of blond to red. Their eyes are flecked with gold, and are generally colored golden, hazel, or green. They are taller and more muscular than the other Elven races, frequently reaching or exceeding 7 feet in height.

    There is a tendency for Light Elves to be prideful or obstinate in their rigid faith and skillful work. This is often overcome by their being shown the honor and respect that most often is deserved.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

    Elven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, longbow and shield.

    Light Elf Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

    Sacred Longing. Divine Connection. Due to your people’s deep devotion to the gods, you experience a soulful longing to perform communion rites with them. If you have not cast a spell to connect with your god (such as augury, divination, commune, etc.), or spent an hour in ritual prayer in the last week, you will begin to contend with this longing. You must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after your next long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until you have sated this longing. These effects can be lifted by the means of reverence listed above.

    Masters of Craft. When examining gems, precious stones, or metalwork you have advantage on Intelligence checks to identify its material, its place of origin, the culture of the crafter, and what the object may have been used for.

    Light Elf Names: (male) Aisome, Cétómo, Danwë, Imdaith, Kulél, Nanwë, Pulórë, Tulméth; (female) Alsényë, Fianéth, Lialan, Melsienmé, Niessaryë, Ólómyē, Sélesa, Uilné; (surname) Aidseeker, Farsight, Highoath, Lightbringer, Pactholder, Rightlaw, Truefaith.

  • Level-headed thinkers enamored of philosophy and arcane pursuits, the Twilight Elves (Înura Istálid) are naturally an inquisitive people. Inspired by the stars above them, they prefer to investigate for themselves what forces are at work in the world. Originating from a group of elves in Tal Alsham that dared to descent from the high religious, the Twilight Elves have from their beginning prized knowledge and discoverers above all things. In this way they can been seen as the true parents of arcane study. Their kingdoms in Alésia are rumored to all be united via systems of teleportation. In Barastîr, the nation of Eryn Gwista is a Twlight Elven enclave.

    Twilight Elves  are a kindred more of intellect than bloodline, and therefore have a wide range of pigmentation depending on where they settled after their departure from Tal Alsham. In Alésia, they tend to have fairer skin and dark hair. Their eyes are flecked with silver, and are usually brown, hazel, or slate grey in color. They are of average height and build for elves.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

    Elven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, longbow, and shield.

    Twilight Elf Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

    Sacred Longing. Knowledge and Mysteries. Due to your people’s intrinsic concern with growing in knowledge and understanding, you experience a soulful longing to feed this hunger. If you have not cast a spell that helps to gain knowledge (such as comprehend languages, identify, legend lore, etc.), or spent an hour reading a new text or learning something new in the last week, you will begin to contend with this longing. You must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after your next long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until you have sated this longing. These effects can be lifted by the means of reverence listed above.

    Arcane Masters. You are proficient in the Arcana skill, and have advantage in Intelligence (Arcana) checks in relation to the presence of arcane influence on items or places.

    Twilight Elf Names: (male) Alcion, Carastaro, Curo, Fennon, Ilcamo, Lenwano, Nardomo, Varyo; (female) Airawen, Coronmë, Hróniel, Nahammë, Nindiel, Oloriel, Ravëien, Silmë; (surname) Ancientbeam, Eveningforge, Highpost, Moonshield, Oddbinder, Runegazer, Sunmight.

  • The Dawn Elves (Înura Athdhea) are truly an industrious seafaring people. They are well attuned to the winds and swells of the oceans, and prize all manner of ship craft. Their strongholds, towns, and cities are all built to take advantage of the coastline as best they can, and many towns are built to take advantage of the natural acoustics of the sheer cliff faces and concave inlets. The heart of Dawn Elf culture is found in the southeast of Alísia, though their mastery the seas has led to the establishment of colonies and trade routes all across the globe.

    Dawn Elves’ skin tends to range from pale to tan. Their hair is most often black, but auburn hair can be seen from time to time. Their eyes are flecked with pale blue, and are most often brown, bronze, or dark blue in color. They are average height for Elves, lean and muscular of build. Unique to their kindred, Dawn Elves often will tattoo a chronicle of their voyages and accomplishments on their dominant arm. This has because so fixed in the culture that even those who never take to the sea have adopted this habit.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

    Elven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with rapier, spear, light crossbow, and net.

    Sacred Longing. Waves and Wanderlust. Due to your people’s spiritual connection to the sea and exploration, you experience a soulful longing to feed this hunger. If you have not cast a spell dealing with exploration or aiding in seafaring (such as pass without a trace, water breathing, control water, etc.), or spent an hour actively exploring new places or within sight of water you will begin to contend with this longing. You must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after your next long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until you have sated this longing. These effects can be lifted by the means of reverence listed above.

    Friend of the Sea. Using gestures and sounds, you can communicate simple ideas with any beast that has an innate swimming speed.

    Acclimated to the Seas. You have a swim speed of 30, and are proficient with waterborne vessels.

    Dawn Elf Names: (male) Aegnir, Arodben, Calardear, Êldor, Glirion, Haeredor, Orthellion, Saerion; (female) Angwedhil, Echadis, Galadis, Helethiel, Ingiel, Maelien, Norien, Teliadis; (surname) Ablehand, Dewfooted, Fishkin, Northseeker, Stormtamer, Tidefriend, Windblessed.

  • Sylvan Elves (Înura Málosid) live primarily in the interior lands of Ædresta, taking advantage of the majestic old-growth forests. Feeling frustrated with the confines of the coastal urban context of Tal Alsham, the Sylvan Elves simply faded into the wilds, clinging to the rich forests and crafting woodland kingdoms. These are centered around locations of spiritual import to them, and their Druids and Clerics are often revered for their roles not just in religious observance but also in the running of government. Because of their early departure into the wilds, these Sylvan Kingdoms are among the oldest in all Alésia.

    The Sylvan Elves are olive skinned, ranging from light to dark in hue. Their hair tends to be coppery or brown, though some have blond or even black hair. Their eyes are flecked with copper, and are brown or green in color. Sylvan Elves are shorter than nearly all their kin, and are exceptionally nimble and lithe.

    Sylvan Elves tend to stick to their own kind, but they have found an esteem for the Aedani as well as some of the Gavleór for their woodcraft. They are also friendly with the Earthbound Gnomes and many Halfling peoples, in recent years even inviting them into their forested realms. They are fiercely loyal to their allies, and often ruthless in seeking to bring justice where wrong has been done.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

    Elven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with Battleaxe, Shortsword, Longbow, and Shortbow.

    Sacred Longing. Cultivation and Woodcraft. Due to your people’s spiritual connection to the flora and fauna of the wilds, you experience a soulful longing to feed this hunger. If you have not cast a spell that has helped you commune with nature (such as druidcraft, speak with plants, tree stride, etc.), or spent an hour actively engaging with plants or animals you will begin to contend with this longing. You must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after your next long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until you have sated this longing. These effects can be lifted by the means of reverence listed above.

    Sylvan Elf Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

    One with the Trees. You are proficient in Survival, and additionally have advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks when in forested contexts.

    Sylvan Elf Names: (male) Aethalfir, Carfir, Ciraros, Daegal, Elmaris, Naeceran, Omaran, Themaer; (female) Baela, Daephyra, Heledi, Kara, Olanala, Phiyra, Sylrel, Wyncaryn; (surname) Alderbark, Fernclothed, Honeyherb, Maplewhite, Roselock, Springwood, Willowroot.

  • For the Veiled Elves (Înura Hastálid), weakness is just that: weakness. The ability to take advantage of others in moments of weakness is celebrated among them, and their rulers are masters of betrayal. Veiled Elves are trained for battle from the cradle, and truly believe that only the strongest and craftiest are worthy of survival.

    Obviously they don’t call themselves the “Veiled” Elves, but rather the “Blessed” people (Înura Amanyíth).

    Due to their life underground and preference for the darkness, the Veiled Elves have sallow skin — ranging from blotchy white to yellowish to pale brown. Their hair is black, but the higher casts often have silvery white hair. Their eyes are dark, flecked with iridescent red. Tall and imposing, they have been bred by their cruel gods to strike fear in eyes of their opponents.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

    Elven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with rapier, shortsword, and shortbow.

    Corrupted Elf Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

    Sacred Longing. Ambition and Influence. Due to your people’s native desire to exert influence and authority over others, you experience a soulful longing to feed this hunger. If you have not cast a spell that has helped you influence the beliefs or actions of others (such as charm person, major image, compulsion, etc.), or spent an hour actively influencing the thoughts and actions of others you will begin to contend with this longing. You must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after your next long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until you have sated this longing. These effects can be lifted by the means of reverence listed above.  

    Accustomed to Darkness. Your eyes are uncommonly attuned to the darkness, providing you with a dark vision radius of 120 feet, but causing you to have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

    Corrupted Elf Names: (male) Anlath, Eronden, Inelos, Masver, Odradas, Selrak, Tythol, Vyarrin; (female) Alelen, Cailenn, Derana, Elavie, Kali, Kredis, Sedamine, Zaralzia; (surname) Bloodlord, Blackstalker, Cursebinder, Mooncurse, Palehand, Sternhand, Whitemantle.


As the ages have wained on, the fiery spirit of ingenuity and adaptability that so defines humanity has lead to humans being the most numerous people throughout Ædresta. Traveling through Barastîr, one will find that while the other peoples can indeed be found, they are often minorities residing within what have become human lands.

The two most numerous peoples to inhabit Barastîr are the Gavleör and the Haslißii. These two groups were at one time close in their heritage, though they are widely separated in their speech. 

In lesser numbers, but still present, are the Aedani and the Nalthan’ei

  • Gavleör are the dominant people in the nations of Montbeliard and Essone in the south of Barastîr and Barast and Thuin in the north and west.

    A cultured people of the western portion of Alésia, the Gavleör have established some of the most enduring nations of the recent centuries. A people of tremendous focus, they pour themselves into perfecting whatever their callings are — be it the building of towers, the cultivation of the land, the baking of bread, or the brewing of ales. They are broad in build and often marked by strong features. They have light skin and brown hair ranging from dark to nearly blond. Their eyes are frequently blue, though grey-green is often seen more inland.

    Gavleör Names: (male) Abélard, Alain, Evre, Hugues, Othon, Renart, Tybald, Vivien; (female) Alesta, Anyas, Basina, Fleurie, Isabeau, Melisine, Sibyl, Victoire; (surname) Chassé, Darthere, Dumont, Goulet, Joliot, Lacour, Pontier.

  • At one time, the Haslißii were a group of barbarian tribes located in the western/central Alésia. Under the prolonged rule of the Nalthan’ei, they took happily to the ‘civilized’ ways of their leaders, and in the centuries since have established their own nation-states — reinterpreting the culture under which they lived for so long. The old ways have not been forgotten though, and the fringes of Haslißii kingdoms are still peopled with barbarian clans. In general, the Haslißii are of average height, with blue or brown eyes, and with hair of various tones of brown.

    The Haslißii are the majority people of the nations of Lutterveld and Elmen, though these nations represent very different expressions of their culture. The Invading armies of the Kühnestärke are also from this people group, and they see themselves as the height of what their people can be.

    Haslißii Names: (male) Andreas, Caspar, Eberhard, Gottfrid, Heinrich, Jekel, Lüthold, Ulrich; (female) Agathe, Cecilia, Elze, Hedwig, Ilse, Libeste, Müte, Osterhild; (surname) Achsen, Baecker, Diels, Föhr, Meinecke, Rehberg, Uhlirz.

  • Though the majority of the Aedani reside to the west and northwest of Barastîr, there are still a great many that live along the west coast of Thuin and the western wildernesses of Lutterveld. The Aedani have historically been a tribal people (though they can be great city-builders if the circumstances are right). Uncouth and sometimes superstitious, they generally prefer to keep to their traditions and familiar practices. Their centers of residence tend to embrace and emulate the practices coming with the arrival of other peoples. They tend to be medium height and with fair-skin that often freckles in the sun. Their hair color ranges from blond to brown or red. They mostly have brown or blue eyes.

    Aedani Names: (male) Caitríona, Céadach, Cormac, Finghin, Niall, Nioclás, Paidín, Réamonn, Tuathal; (female) Áine, Essa, Maol, Onóra, Sinéad, Slaíne, Úna; (surname) Airard, Conlae, Crinán, Dúnlang, Labraid, Senach, Trian.

  • The Brisca have long been the neighbors of the Light Elves in the southwest of Alésia. So long have they interacted with the haughty Elves that they have themselves adopted a high value on craftsmanship and religiosity, and often place a high value on trade. It is said that those who seek to truly understand the craft of trade should serve a term apprenticed to a Briscan merchant. They are tan skinned, dark haired, and dark eyed (though some nobles have bright yellow eyes). They are medium height and build.

    Brisca Names: (Male) Alejandro, Alonso, Bello, Iñigo, Joaquím, Lorenç, Ramiro, Salvadór; (female) Ana, Beatriz, Ildaria, Iñes, Luzia, Magelina, Sanza, Teresa; (surname) Alcalde, Cavia, Duarte, Fabrés, Llanos, Nieto, Silvela.

  • Most of the Nalthan'ei retreated to their last bastion far to the west (now called Nalthanas), but a few clans remain. These can be found upon isolated islands and in Essone's southern provinces.

    The first group of humanity to rise above tribal states, the Nalthan’ei built an empire that spanned nearly all Alésia and the northern portions of Kildarë. That was long ago however, and now the only true gathering of the Nalthan’ei is in the island nation of Nalthanas. They have fair skin and dark hair with eyes are usually blue, grey, or green. Because of their often having mixed with elven peoples throughout their history, the Nalthan’ei are taller than most humans (5’10” - 6’10”) and live longer (up to 250 years in the case of noble houses).

    Nalthan’ei Names: (Male) Aglarân, Azrubêl, Barthi, Gellir, Gimlân, Indilzar, Njáll, Thorgils, Ûrîthôr; (female) Aldís, Bera, Dís, Gimlîth, Ithunn, Lôminzil, Vigdís; (surnames) Aûne, Egillthâni, Isakthôr, Larthôr, Minalthôr, Svendthôr, Wold.


Regardless if they were first chiseled from the living stone of the mountains or formed out of the dappled clays of the foothills as their various myths claim, the Dwarven peoples (Thjolda) know for certain that they were made by the hands of Aödh and Arrius in the First Age and blessed with a hardy resilience and love for the glorious wonders buried under the earth. 

First appearing in the mountains of northwestern Alésia, the Dwarven kindreds began slowly to expand out to form new homes and delve under the peaks that they glimpsed on the horizon. The vast majority of Dwarves in Barastîr are the Banner Dwarves.

  • The Banner Dwarves (Thjolda Av’Keled), called such for their flowing tapestries that adorn their halls and decorate their battle armor, are a strong and hardy folk. Accustomed to a difficult life in rugged terrain, they are native to northern portions of Alésia, founding deep and sturdy strongholds in the many mountain chains that run across it. While some of these strongholds stand on their own as city-states carved from the living stone, many have banded together to form united kingdoms and confederacies ruled over by mighty clans. While the most famous of these are the found in the west of Alésia (Ther Darihm in the north, and Harn Laduhr in the south), there are some smaller kingdoms found in the east as well. The love of the high and desolate places has also led to an interested symbiosis with the odd and eccentric Skybound Gnomes, who often establish cities in the high and unreachable tops of the mountains.

    Banner Dwarves are on the tall side (between 4’4” and 4’11” in general), and tend toward lighter coloration. Their hair is more often than not either blond or reddish un hue, and the eyes tend to be light in color. The sharply angled geometric patters that are employed in their stonework and metallurgy have come to be iconic of the Dwarven peoples everywhere.

    (Use Mountain Dwarf stats)

    Banner Dwarf Names: (male) Baerdrak, Bifor, Ebrek, Farnom, Grennik, Hobruli, Kili, Krassid; (female) An, Balva, Dwalnea, Fala, Glona, Ingvia, Ona, Tigva; (surname) Anvilforge, Deepdelver, Crimsonbeard, Redaxe, Runecleaver, Snowstone, Tallshield.

  • Broad Dwarves (Thjolda Av’Bizgar), called thus due to their wide distribution and versatility, have keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience. The most numerous of the Dwarven kins since the appearance of the Corrupted Elves, The Broad Dwarves of Alésia can be found in southern and eastern regions.

    More amiable than than their northern cousins, the Broad Dwarves are known to form strong trade relationships with their neighbors, forging bounds that earn them both wealth and the freedom to enjoy it. Of particular import, the giftedness of the Broad Dwarf smelters has led many nations to hire them for the minting of their coinage — resulting in intricately ornate coins cast in unusual shapes.

    Of average of height (3’11” - 4’6”) and build (for dwarves that is), Broad Dwarves tend to have a naturally tanned honey-colored skin. Their hair tends to be darker in color, and their eyes are generally darker. While they share a love for angular patterns and clean lines in their stonework, the Broad Dwarves often incorporate more rounded and circular elements into their lives than their northern kindred.

    (Use Hill Dwarf stats)

    Broad Dwarf Names: (male) Beliggs, Daermiir, Dhassi, Ebgrim, Galmur, Hardur, Khukol, Noz; (female) Banmora, Cabera, Eronelle, Grosdara, Kandara, Lyslen, Neneh, Thelsora; (surname) Clansword, Eastseeker, Flagraiser, Gemcutter, Hallhutter, Minedelver, Shaftcutter.

  • The Delving Dwarves (Thjolda Av’Erôth), live deep in the Taranost (The Black Expanse). They were in the beginning the most numerous and industrious of the Dwarven peoples, seeking to expand and colonize the natural underground caverns they discovered deep below the surface of Ædresta. Their efforts resulted in dreamlike metropolises hidden from the sun — yet anything but dark. After more than a millennia of establishing their underground kingdoms, the Delving Dwarves came into contact and conflict with the newly appeared Corrupted Elves. Flushed out and slaughtered at first, the Delving Dwarves partnered with the inventive Tunnelbound Gnomes to build truly hidden cities. In the ages since then, the two peoples have been fiercely at war with the Corrupted Elves, striking from seemingly nowhere and then dissolving once more into the darkness. Now the Delving Dwarves are numbered as the smallest of the Dwarven kindreds, and few are ever seen on the surface.

    In appearance, the Delving Dwarves’ most distinguishing feature is their height. They are the shortest of the Dwarves (3’8 - 4’4”), with a more slight build. Their hair (including their beards) is often flecked with grey, even from childhood. They also tend to have larger noses and more prominent eyebrows — aiding their senses in their underground environment.

    Delving Dwarf Names: (male) Armdohr, Brokkom, Darbru, Dwulem, Frorbrek, Norberg, Or, Throllbrek; (female) Ainara, Brokkva, Dribara, Druva, Frakara, Norliel, Sturva, Thromva; (surname) Ashdust, Broasdmask, Earthson, Firestone, Goblineater, Rockbraid, Shaftcutter.



Foolish is the person that underestimates a Halfling on account of their small stature. These diminutive folk were created not long after Humans, and in many ways bear a strong resemblance to them, save for their being of such smaller proportions. The great difference is that the creation of the Halflings was the handiwork of just four of the Varnír Fína, Ceïnwen, Finni, and Nepos —and these each firmly set their stamp on these people. The result was a people deeply in tune with the land, prone to seek a quiet existence where they can, but fierce and formative when pressed.

Halflings’ first encounters with migrating humanity were tense at best, resulting in the extinction of an entire human tribe. The great change in their dealings with humans was due to the unlikely friendship of the southern Halflings and the tall and respectful Nalthan’ei that settled on their borders. Such strong was this mutual respect that the Brightfoot and Boldheart Halfling clans chose to accompany the Nalthan’ei when then began their migration westward. It is for this reason that Halflings in the west of Alésia are known as the Hîn, which means ‘children’ in the Nalthan’ei tongue. 

  • Brightfoot Halflings are a bit smaller of stature (often standing less than 3 feet high), with a lighter and swifter frame. This nimbleness and small size allows them to easily hide from notice, even using other people as cover. They’re inclined to be affable and get along well with others. In Ædresta, Brightfoot Halflings’ friendship with the Nalthan’ei has lead to their presence in all lands that were once part of the great Nalthanar. Because of their more laidback disposition, the the Brightfeet have much better relations with other peoples, and the most likely of of their kind to wind up living lives as adventurers.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

    Vanish from View. Due to your nimbleness and small size, you can attempt to hide creatures that are at least one size larger than you.

    Gifted Storytellers. You’ve a natural disposition towards storytelling that gives you advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks when telling stories.

    Brightfoot Names: (male) Adelbert, Anson, Conrad, Falkin, Hamlet, Isembold, Perrin, Teagan; (female) Amethyst, Brenna, Donnamira, Elanor, Goldilocks, Lily, Poppy, Tawnie; (surname) Billberry, Farfoot, Greenbottle, Oldbuck, Stoutgrass, Tealeaf, Underhill.

  • Boldheart Halflings were at one time plains dwellers in the Mogilan Planes of the Horselands (an eastern region of Alésia), but their hard-won esteem for the Nalthan’ei lead to their spread to the west. By contrast to the small Brightfeet clans, Boldhearts are tall and broad (ranging from 3’1” to-3’5”). Despite bragging rights for being the tallest of the Halflings, these little people are still smaller than just about any other race upon Ædresta. It was the legions of Boldheart slingers marching with the armies of Nalthanar that earned the this people the name Azgarâhîn, ‘the children of war.’

    Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

    Eyes of Fury. The ferocity of the Halfling people lives in you, and a menacing glare can do wonders. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

    Ferocious Slingers. Due to a lifetime of using the sling, you up the damage dealt with this weapon to 1d6.

    Boldheart Names: (male) Berilac, Bungo, Folco, Gorbulas, Hamilcar, Isengar, Longo, Smeagol; (female) Ahana, Balnina, Charla, Enya, Grimalda, Lalia, Magda, Oda; (surname) Banks, Bolger, Burrows, Grubb, Noakes, Pott, Tunnelly.


Not even in the beginning, when the Gnomes descended from the sky aboard their floating skyships did they make any effort to explain themselves. Simply landing in regions they deemed fair and beginning to settle, they would avoid any explanation of exactly who they were or from whence they came.

Much of the mystery was because they simply did not themselves remember, but some of their laconic behavior was due to a native desire to keep secrets among themselves. Regardless of where their cities are built, the gnomes have always endeavored to hide them away from prying eyes. From craggy mountain tops to canopy-centered platforms connected by swaying walkways, to warren-like underground citied concealed behind gear-driven boulders — secrecy reigns among the Gnomes.

Admirers of Aödh and Pål, the Gnomes carry much of their preferred dieties' love to create and enliven the inanimate. Their contributions to society at large have primarily been in the area of technology of war, but in recent years there have been some new developments that promise to change the very world. Their continual efforts to test and manipulate has earned them the nickname of Tinkerers, and rather than being offended by being named such they are thrilled.

Standing somewhere between Halflings and Dwarves in height, the Gnomes are generally of slimmer and more wiry of build. They are truly a unique looking people, with facial features hinting at an other-worldly origin. They have quite prominent noses, wide pointed ears, and overly large hands and fingers. Men generally grow beards, and it is not uncommon to see them without hair on their upper lips.

  • The most iconic of the Tinkerers are the Skybound Gnomes, the most populous and prosperous of the Gnomen people. Preferring to cultivate the craggy reaches of mountain tops and cliff sides, their greatest city lies atop the floating island of the Decapoint in the heart of the Harn Laduhr. Drifting motionless over the lake-filled crater that it once occupied, this landmass projects an antigravity field that the Gnomes have learned to manipulate in the most unexpected of ways. Shrewd and keen of mind, Skybound Gnomes are happy to share their gifts and creations to with others — so long as it is on their terms and in their time.

    The Skybound Gnomes tend to be the most slender of the the Gnomen peoples, and have lightly tanned skin. Their hair is often a mix of lighter browns, though red hair is not uncommon.

    (Use Rock Gnome stats)

  • The least numerous of the Tinkerers, Earthbound Gnomes dwell most commonly in the Ilathal Woodlands in the east of Alésia. It may be that there are many more cultural hubs for these people, but if there are they remain hidden. Though not as inclined toward mechanical work, Earthbound Gnomes are masters of illusion and gravitate towards the arcane arts. This proclivity has earned them great favor in the eyes of Ásta and Pål.

    Having ruddy skin tones and hair of brown and auburn tones, the Earthbound Gnomes are famed for their swaying canopy cities.

    (Use Forest Gnome stats)

  • More numerous than their cousins the Earthbound Gnomes, the Tunnelbound Gnomes are nonetheless far less often encountered by most peoples. This is due to the fact that they dwell almost exclusively below the surface world in the Taranost. Every bit as bright-eyed and keen-minded as their kinsfolk in the lands above, the Tunnelbound Gnomes tend to be much more guarded. This is an orientation that can easily be understood, as it was only a few hundred years after their first settlements were established that they were forcibly overrun by the twisted and self-serving Corrupted Elves.

    Once one has proven thier worth and trustworthiness, the Tunnelbound Gnomes can prove to be just as kind-hearted, loyal, and compassionate as their surface cousins. Even so, a hallmark of these people are their spy and assassin guilds — who serve as sentries and infiltrators of any that threaten their cloistered way of life.

    Masters of innovation, the Tunnelbound Gnomes have concocted geared and weighted mechanisms to hide behind. Of those recorded, accounts speak of entire sections of tunnel walls rolling back to reveal entrances to cities. One adventurer has claimed to have visited the city of “Felda-Kragstalnarzim,” which she claimed possessed a many-leveled circular core that could be rotated as needed.

    Tunnelbound Gnomes have dusky tan skin, sleek dark hair, and vivid blue, grey, or yellow eyes.

    (Use Deep Gnome stats)


Half-Blooded Descent

Many of the humanoid peoples of Ædresta bear so many similarities in terms of anatomy and make-up that it is not at all uncommon for there to be groups with shared heritage of different peoples. In some cases, these children of split parentage are hard to spot or are treated with mutual respect by the races from which they have sprung. The great majority of these Half-Blooded peoples, however, enjoy no such calm acceptance and are often treated as social outcasts.

  • In most cases throughout Alésia, the merging of Elf and Human is not seen as positive. The proud and long-lived firstborn are outraged at the idea of union with the uncouth and short-lived newcomers, and prefer not to deal with these Half-Blooded people. Humans are often much less overt in their distaste, but frequently harbor secret resentment for the latent talent and grace of Half-Elves. The outstanding exception to this is found in the kingdom of Nalthanas. There, due to millennia of relationships between the Elven peoples (primarily the Dawn and Twilight Elves) and the Nalthan'ei, everyone has at least some elven blood in their family, and manifesting Half-Elven characteristics is often seen as a proof of noble heritage.

  • Half Orcs share the bloodline of both the passionate and rugged Orcs and the versatility of their human parents. Half Orcs are not naturally disposed towards being evil or wicked by nature (as many would like to believe), but like their Orcish parents, Half Orcs feel emotion deeply. Half Orcs quite often exist as rarities within the lands of Orcs or Humans, and therefore spend their lives as outcasts — either figuratively or win actuality. The great exception to this trend are the Half Orc states in central Alésia, where the these folk have come together to form societies of their own.

    Depending upon which Orcish clans they are descended from, Half-Orcs will often have skin tones ranging from grey to pale green — sometimes even reaching tones of dark jade. They bear pronounced tusk-like teeth that rise out of their bottom jaws, and are far more muscular then Humans (though not nearly as bulky as Orcs).

Orcs of Ædresta

Among the first of all races to appear on the face of Ædresta, the Orcs were created by the combined work of Goron and Kolora. Both being gods of ferocity and measured calm, they endowed their creations with a propensity for contradictions — to deeply feel the rhythms of the lands and weather patterns that surrounded them while finding peace and strength in the knowledge that time ensures stability.

Within the bounds of the Sea of Barast, Orcs are generally found in communities on the fringes of the wilderness. Not all Orcs choose lives of remote existence however, and there are many that have found a happy existence in more urban contexts.

Depending on the clans from which they come, their skin tones vary between tones of green, grey, and reddish clay. Hair colors tend to be darker, with black, brown, and red being common. Their ears come to a point, and all Orcs have prominent tusks that arise out of their bottom jaw (though these are far thicker and longer among males). Regardless of clan, all Orcs keep the habit of tattooing their faces, arms and shoulders. The choices of color, pattern, and color density communicate social standing and tribal identity. 

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

    Age. Orcs mature quickly, reaching adulthood at about 15 years of age, but the average Orc does not live beyond the age of 85.

    Alignment. Orcs are primarily concerned with the well-being of their own people, and tend to be Neutrally aligned. Those whose devotion is directed towards their creator Goron do tend to have an Evil alignment.

    Size. Orcs are tall by the standards of Humans, but seen as shorter by Elves. Males usually standing above 6 feet. Females range from 5 to six feet. Your size is Medium.

    Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

    Darkvision. You are blessed with strong and attentive eyes. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

    Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

    Skills of the Wild. Being brought up in the elements, you have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.

    Relentless: You are gifted with a natural resilience. When your health drops below 0 HP and you are not killed outright, you can instead remain at 1 HP. This ability can only be used once per long rest.

    Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and Orcish.

  • The majority of the Orcs from the north of Alésia have adapted to the biting winters and and craggy mountain passes of the regions from which they come. Living in tight tribal communities, the Thundersouls are known for their brutal warriors and ferocious wars among themselves. There is a strong divide between those whole allegiances have been given to Goron and those who prefer to call on Kolora their Mother of Seasons.

    In Barastîr, Thundersoul Orcs gravitate towards the mountainous wilds, establishing frontier communities.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

    Winter Adapted. You are acclimated to the extreme cold, and are therefore resistant to Cold damage.

    Natural Runners. Your speed is 35 ft speed

  • Preferring the rich forest lands of the southern regions of Alésia, the Stormsong Orcs are a people who tend to gravitate towards a shamanistic and druidic existence. This closeness to nature has leant to an innate magical ability in all the Stormsong. Even those those paths to not lead to service as Druids are blessed with a spark of their powers.

    In Barastîr, Stormsong Orcs generally establish outposts in areas of forest or along the craggy coasts of the sea.

    Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

    Magically Endowed. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. In addition, you know the 1st level spell Thunderwave and can cast it once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


The history of the Ages has been marked by many, many breaches between the Material Plane and the manifold others that surround it. Not always, but often enough, these breaches have resulted in the merging of human peoples and the natives of these other planes. These were sometimes affairs of passion and joy, but all too often they were undesired and unhappy. In all cases, however, these trysts have resulted in the introduction of latent traits in the bloodlines of humanity. Unlike the unions that brought about the Half-Blooded peoples, the recessive genes have clung to the human lines, manifesting themselves in individuals every few generations.

  • Aasimar are the descendants of the champions of the Varnír (gods) who were sent to aid humanity in Alésia and Kildarë (the southern continent) during the Ashen War. For nearly fifty years these celestial warriors lived among the valiant humans who risked life and limb to end the onslaught of infernal enemies, and in more than a few places they introduced strains of extra-planar blood into the human line. These days they are less and less common, but their births are hailed as blessed events. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage.

  • Children of unholy origins, the many and varied tiefling peoples are both blessed with supernatural gifts and abundant charm, yet cursed to forever been seen as walking scars of an incursion that nearly ended the very existence of life in Ædresta. As the offspring of the devilish lords of the Forges of Suffering, Tieflings in most of the world are received with suspicion and distrust — as if they themselves are in league with these evil powers simply because of their distant heritage.

    Like Aasimar, it is not uncommon for the infernal strain to remain dormant in a family. The birth of children of skin tones ranging from blue to red and the budding beginnings of horns are in most cases seen as an ill omen. In many cases Tieflings are treated as outcasts, and over time they have gravitated towards one another to form nomadic groups of entertainers of mercenaries. In such communities, the infernal genes have come to be much more concentrated.

  • The least common of the Planetouched, Genasi are a those who bear the blood of powerful beings from the Elemental Planes. Typically, Genasi pop up in regions where the influence of these planes is particularly strong. In many such communities, the birth of these elementally-inclined children is counted as an omen of their being destined for great things. For this reason what few Genasi exist in each generation are often found abroad living as adventurers.


Bold and proud, representing the top tier of society in the draconic and reptilian realms of Kous Thaczil in the far southwest, Dragonborn bow to none (none but their dragon overlords that is). Among their own people, Dragonborn are divided among three major ethnic castes — directly in reflection to the major categories of Dragons. These three groups are the Metallic, Chromatic, and Gemstone Dragonborn. These three groups are, in the eyes of Kous Thaczilian society, divinely appointed castes that have each been gifted with place and role in society.

About three centuries ago in the years leading up to the end of Third Age, small groups of Dragonborn began to migrate into the lands of Barstîr. Coming from four specific clans of Kous Thaczil, these Dragonborn have established a reputation for their grasp on banking over the centuries. How they conduct their banking differs from clan to clan, but in all cases it is for the aim of enlarging their hordes and treasurie

  • With their center of power in the southern regions of Lutterveld, the Brass banking clans have amassed a tremendous wealth which they are happy to share, as long it is paid back with interest.

    Banking with the Brass can be depended on to be a safe bet, and nearly every major city in Barastîr has Brass bank located in it.

  • Landing first in central coast of Essone, the Silver Dragonborn have made a name for themselves as being savants of political analysis. This ability and reputation has set them up to be the name counted upon in the matter of bonds trading.

    Not all Silver Dragonborn are active in the work of their clans, but none are entirely cut off from it either.

  • The ambitious and direct disposition of the Green Dragonborn pilgrims that first came to Barastîr lead to a natural bond with the rugged folk of Elmen, and it is here that the Green banks are rooted.

    Where the Brass banks play the safe and steady game, the Green banks have found success doing just the opposite. Loans are much easier to come by and interest gained on investments can be much higher, but woe to anyone that fails to pay back their debt in a timely manner.

  • Exceptionally savvy in trade and diplomacy with a hint of the fanatic about them, the Blue Dragonborn settlers found a fast friendship with the sea folk of Barast. A study of the last two hundred years’ history would show the clear link between the establishment of the Blue Banks in the cities of Halen and Eupen and the the shipping monopoly that Barast has built.

    These days, a Blue Dragonborn representative of the Barast Exchequer is a common sight on the ships of Barast.